Where’s the urgency from Labor? Unfortunately, Albanese doesn’t do urgent. In fact, it’s hard to point to any Labor achievements that haven’t been incremental, minimal, indexed or unavoidable.
It beggars belief that the ALP consider the Greens the enemy - more like their nemesis who stand for what once were traditional labor values. There's only one option now, end the duopoly and vote Green and Independant!
I’m a life long Labor voter and until recently, a paid up ALP member and I am furious with this government.
They appear to be completely incapable of making any bold decisions, and utterly tone deaf to a working class base that is screaming for rent relief, affordable housing, and cost of living relief. My family is on a fixed income and we are far worse off than we were three years ago, mostly because rent is literally eating us alive. Ours is up $250 a week on 2022 and we’re in the same house. Moving isn’t an option because there’s nowhere cheaper to go. Albo is cooked in May if he doesn’t wake up soon. We are not the only ones suffering like this.
'Even on key policy areas such as nuclear power and immigration, Dutton’s positions are inchoate. He doesn’t seem to have any other significant policies, only banal aspirational statements: “We need to tackle inflation”, “We will deliver more affordable housing” etc. There’s no meat on these bones. Dutton’s a policy skeleton, and frankly, a scary one.'
It is a scary one.
Here in the Netherlands, the far-right PVV, led by Geert Wilders won the largest number of seats in the House of Representatives, with exactly such banal aspirational statements--tackle inflation, deliver more affordable housing.
No practical means offered to achieve these things, just bland, empty promises.
Among my extended Dutch family there are young, first-time voters who voted for the PVV precisely because of these promises. They are rural-dwelling, unengaged politically, personally unaffected by Wilders' islamophobia, and simply believed him when he said that he could find them a house and make their euros go further.
Across Europe progressive parties urgently need to give hope, and they need to devise and sell practical solutions to the basic issues that beset people. Instead, I hear Dutch people (appalled by Wilders' success) implying that once people realise that Wilders has no answer, he'll lose those voters.
That isn't a solution.
Australian Labor must learn from what is increasingly being faced by so much of the world, as autocrats take hold. The need for boldness is now critical.
It’s possible to be bold. There’s not enough space to record what Gough achieved in three slight years, whereas this performative child of a single mother and wha wha wha frocks up to bend the knee to Lachlan Murdoch. They deserve minority government. I still have’t received a reply from O’Neill as to her understanding of the rule of law post the High Court decision in NZYQ and her response, gleefully saying Labor’s tougher than Dutton. Just the sort of people you want leading your country. Great work, two thumbs up. Of course, having the shoppies cheerleader Burke in charge will make it all better.
I know the ALP came to power not wanting to scare the horses. Fair enough. Knowing he is up against the Australian 1% and the conservative MSM. I thought at the least over the term they would open up and bring the Australian electorate into the tent and reveal their vision so at least people would know what their objectives for a second and third terms would be. They haven’t. Not only that but decisions they could have made weren’t. Failure to end the trials of whistleblowers; failure to increase unemployment benefits under the cover of the review are two policies that immediately come to mind. I understand the ALP desire to bed down the NACC required support of the LNP. But in doing so they have totally handicapped its powers so it is a total failure.
Albo is the Golden Retriever of the ALP. The sad fact is that his bark is as ineffectual and his bite non existent.
He is a good politician but no great leader. No one looks at him and says, " yeah, he's the sort of bloke to lead us in a crisis". Yet that's who is in the commander's chair right now.
Dutton, the sentient potato of a human being, is an abysmal excuse for a liberal politician. A grubby, muck racking, self aggrandising cockwomble with about as much integrity as a wet paper bag yet for some reason, people are considering voting for that unpolished turd.
It doesn't help when most of the main stream media are owned by the right wing oligarchs who want the ALP gone and back to looting the middle and working class once more.
Albo will be lucky to form a minority government after this federal poll but I'm hopeful that this will be the case as it will mean the ALP will have to actually govern on behalf of most of the Australian electorate as they will need the Greens and Teals onside if anything is going to get done.
The time for meekness is over. It's time to be bold and decisive.
Albanese seems to still think softly-softly-catchee-monkey but the monkey remains firmly perched in the tree top, feasting on bananas and laughing its arse off.
The truth is, we the public are doomed under LNP and Labour, while Labour are the only option on a 2 party oreffered, the only way forward for the people is minority government. Put LNP labour last.
It beggars belief that the ALP consider the Greens the enemy - more like their nemesis who stand for what once were traditional labor values. There's only one option now, end the duopoly and vote Green and Independant!
I’m a life long Labor voter and until recently, a paid up ALP member and I am furious with this government.
They appear to be completely incapable of making any bold decisions, and utterly tone deaf to a working class base that is screaming for rent relief, affordable housing, and cost of living relief. My family is on a fixed income and we are far worse off than we were three years ago, mostly because rent is literally eating us alive. Ours is up $250 a week on 2022 and we’re in the same house. Moving isn’t an option because there’s nowhere cheaper to go. Albo is cooked in May if he doesn’t wake up soon. We are not the only ones suffering like this.
'Even on key policy areas such as nuclear power and immigration, Dutton’s positions are inchoate. He doesn’t seem to have any other significant policies, only banal aspirational statements: “We need to tackle inflation”, “We will deliver more affordable housing” etc. There’s no meat on these bones. Dutton’s a policy skeleton, and frankly, a scary one.'
It is a scary one.
Here in the Netherlands, the far-right PVV, led by Geert Wilders won the largest number of seats in the House of Representatives, with exactly such banal aspirational statements--tackle inflation, deliver more affordable housing.
No practical means offered to achieve these things, just bland, empty promises.
Among my extended Dutch family there are young, first-time voters who voted for the PVV precisely because of these promises. They are rural-dwelling, unengaged politically, personally unaffected by Wilders' islamophobia, and simply believed him when he said that he could find them a house and make their euros go further.
Across Europe progressive parties urgently need to give hope, and they need to devise and sell practical solutions to the basic issues that beset people. Instead, I hear Dutch people (appalled by Wilders' success) implying that once people realise that Wilders has no answer, he'll lose those voters.
That isn't a solution.
Australian Labor must learn from what is increasingly being faced by so much of the world, as autocrats take hold. The need for boldness is now critical.
The world is lurching right under the guise of false promises when the real motivation is racism , greed and power grabbing.
It’s possible to be bold. There’s not enough space to record what Gough achieved in three slight years, whereas this performative child of a single mother and wha wha wha frocks up to bend the knee to Lachlan Murdoch. They deserve minority government. I still have’t received a reply from O’Neill as to her understanding of the rule of law post the High Court decision in NZYQ and her response, gleefully saying Labor’s tougher than Dutton. Just the sort of people you want leading your country. Great work, two thumbs up. Of course, having the shoppies cheerleader Burke in charge will make it all better.
Destiny achieved, never expected more. “There is only one party in most democracies” (Varoufakis) - bring on a hung parliament
Albo made all Australians complicit in genocide by his licking of Netanyahoo and Biden,s boots
‘Cometh the hour, faileth the Albo’
I know the ALP came to power not wanting to scare the horses. Fair enough. Knowing he is up against the Australian 1% and the conservative MSM. I thought at the least over the term they would open up and bring the Australian electorate into the tent and reveal their vision so at least people would know what their objectives for a second and third terms would be. They haven’t. Not only that but decisions they could have made weren’t. Failure to end the trials of whistleblowers; failure to increase unemployment benefits under the cover of the review are two policies that immediately come to mind. I understand the ALP desire to bed down the NACC required support of the LNP. But in doing so they have totally handicapped its powers so it is a total failure.
So true. The question is whether Australian voters will vote in wrecker Dutton simply because he's more interesting to watch.
Well, lamentably, Abbott the wrecker got a run!
Albo is the Golden Retriever of the ALP. The sad fact is that his bark is as ineffectual and his bite non existent.
He is a good politician but no great leader. No one looks at him and says, " yeah, he's the sort of bloke to lead us in a crisis". Yet that's who is in the commander's chair right now.
Dutton, the sentient potato of a human being, is an abysmal excuse for a liberal politician. A grubby, muck racking, self aggrandising cockwomble with about as much integrity as a wet paper bag yet for some reason, people are considering voting for that unpolished turd.
It doesn't help when most of the main stream media are owned by the right wing oligarchs who want the ALP gone and back to looting the middle and working class once more.
Albo will be lucky to form a minority government after this federal poll but I'm hopeful that this will be the case as it will mean the ALP will have to actually govern on behalf of most of the Australian electorate as they will need the Greens and Teals onside if anything is going to get done.
The time for meekness is over. It's time to be bold and decisive.
Magnificently well said in every detail . Mr Small Target , Mr Tinkering around the Edges , mustn’t DO or SAY anything that might offend his donors ,
Mr Murdoch , or the Zionists . A back room operator who is no leader , he is shrivelling the Labor Party by the hour .
Albanese seems to still think softly-softly-catchee-monkey but the monkey remains firmly perched in the tree top, feasting on bananas and laughing its arse off.
The truth is, we the public are doomed under LNP and Labour, while Labour are the only option on a 2 party oreffered, the only way forward for the people is minority government. Put LNP labour last.
Right on!